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Estonian students feedback for the Swedish mobility

"Participating in this project was a great experience. For me, visiting Sweden was a long-awaited rest from school. My host family was very hospitable and friendly. I still remember how every night I drank tea with my hosts father and how I got an amazing passion fruit ice cream recipe from my host mother. I liked t

hat our schedule wasn’t too tight, we had time to wander around by ourselves." by Pilleriin.

"The visit to Sweden was a great experience. I met new people, and got to know some of them even better. I really liked the activities, for example the city planning or the tour with our great guide, who besides his greatness truly resembled Darwin. And the herring with mustard sauce too, yeah… It was something rather new and amazingly good. Many of the students were kind of shy and it made socialising a bit difficult. But other than that, the trip was amazing. I had some good talks and great laughs, including a couple new experiences." by Jaak-Markus.

"When I think about Sweden mobility, the first thing I remember is our free time. Things weren’t too organized and it left more room for spontaneous activities with new friends. In the programme, I liked planning the “green city”. It was really educational and a good group exercise. It was really nice to discuss all the details and learn to work as a one team, even when we were from different countries. Besides that, we were also showed around. We didn’t have any hike like in Estonia but on the first day we looked around near the school and climbed on small hills. And might have happened, that we ended up in someones’ backyard. Well, it happened a lot actually.The families were nice, the students were nice. And also the teachers! For example, the math lesson was in English, so we could understand it. To compare with Estonian classes, even my English lessons are in Estonian. Also the travel there and back was a true adventure for us because we used a ferry that had a buffet dinners that lasted many hours. I liked the time I spent in Sweden, and I learned a lot about environment, about city planning, and also about cultures and people."by Lea.

"I think the best things in our youth exchange were the people, team works and the gorgeous nature. I like to be short and precise. I got to know many great people, and we had lots of fun when planning our green city. We also went on a city tour to Hammarby Sjöstad, where we almost froze, but despite of that had a great time together. We also visited Tom Tits, where we could play like small kids again. I’ll never forget these moments in Sweden, either my new friends. Thank you so much! <3" by Brita-Lii.

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