#C-YOU-2: Sharing NorLtic Way of Living is a project to start a collaboration between 3 Nordic and 1 Baltic school to find ways to minimize the CO2 emission in schools; to create a learning environment for language knowledge intake and culture knowledge exchange; and offer opportunities to investigate the differences in nature resources to solve the CO2 problems locally, nationally and internationally for better citizenship.
This project bring together students from Estonia, Iceland, Denmark and Sweden to co-create the knowledge for more sustainable life and establish an understanding among Nordic and Baltic citizens. The project consist of 4 different one week long student exchanges - one to each participant country. During the exchange 9 students and 1 teacher from each country will actively take part in classes at the host school; visit different CO2-free public buildings as an example; organize joint experimental and theoretical workshops for other students, school staff and for the community; start important comparative conversations about different cultures and how ready they are for sustainable changes in their everyday life (including the host parents).
As a result partner schools will have better understanding about their carbon footprint and they have a collection of good practices from the other 3 countries involved. To make use of that knowledge each student group will create a plan for their own school or city: better heat and power system, travel arrangements, waste management, purchasing supplies and services etc. At the end the cooperation between schools is stronger; participants are more interested in Nordic and Baltic languages, culture and way of life; participants are looking ways to develop project results further and to create new common projects. All results will be published at our homepage that will me mantained by students. Improvements will be seen in both the learning outcomes, attitude and behaviour of students and the local community and ultimately the local environment.
Thanks to NORDPLUS JUNIOR's mobility programm the possibility to join ideas and share experiences became true!
The project started in 1.08.2015 and will continue till 31.07.2016.
The project is coordinated by Tartu Environmental Education Centre in Estonia (http://www.tartuloodusmaja.ee/ET/projektid/c-you-2/).
This project activities are related to UNESCO Baltic Sea Project, thus some activities were supported by Republic of Estonia Ministry of Education and Research.