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Icelandic students feedback for the mobility in Sweden

Nordplus – Iceland/Sweden

We visited the school , Nacka gymnasium, and worked on projects about, nature, and how to use our land for our electricity and energy. We also went to some classes and learned for example spanish , biology and blood testing. On this trip we got to see a lot of new people from other cultures, which was new to some of us and now we are able to speak English better. We also did a lot of things by ourselves, we went shopping and to the movies.We went to an experiment house called Tom Tits, a museum called Naturhistoriska riksmuseet and Hammarby sjöstad. Hammarby sjöstad is a little neighbourhood in the middle of Stockholm and Nacka.

It was an amazing experience and now we are more aware of our nature. We realize that it is very important to treat it well because we only have one nature and that’s why it’s so precious. There was a big project that we worked on in groups. The project involved making our own green city, we had to think of creative ideas how to use natural power from example water or wind. We had to make the city as eco-friendly as possible to make the environment around it healthy and clean. In the end we presented our city with a video that every group made. It was fun and we got closer to the students from other cultures through these projects.

The trip was amazing and we can all agree on how much fun we had. This will forever be an amazing memory in our hearts. We want to thank Nordplus for hosting such an amazing trip for us.

Authors: Svava Sól, Hrefna Lind, Kristín, Guðrún Helga, Skjöldur Orri, Ingibjörg Erla, Hrannar Helgi, Jakobína og Þröstur.

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