Icelandic students feedback for the Danish mobility

Our experience in Denmark
The trip had a lot of influence in our daily lives. We discovered things about the world that we don‘t think about regularly, for example global warming and greenhouse gases and how that‘s affecting the world in a bad way. We Icelanders learned a lot about Denmark from just being around the Danish kids, and had fun working with others. It was very nice, that we had the option to go outside after school because the weather was very good. We, unfortunately didn‘t spend as much time as we wanted with the other kids from the other countries. We from Iceland, used every bit of good weather to go out in volleyball together or just do something outside.
The project we did with the other kids was fun and different from what we usually do and that was fun, we usually don´t do videos like that. The museum that we went on was really interesting and the science park we went to was also a lot of fun. We thought that we would ride the segway through the whole park but when we came we realized that we were just going to go two laps but that was still fun. The project we did there was a little long but it was fun getting the time off and just walk around the park. Overall this trip was very exciting and we are thankful that we got a chance to take a part in this project.
Authors: Sara S, Nína, Karitas, Sara Ó, Oliver, Helena og Árni Daníel.