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Icelandic students feedback for the mobility in Estonia

A trip to Estonia

After a long journey and many unexpected incidents on our way we finally made it to Tartu, Estonia. We were really excited to meet all the Estonians, however, they were quite shy and closed, but only to begin with. Maybe it’s an Icelander’s nature to be loud. The first few days were mainly about getting to know all the kids and exploring Tartu, which is an astonishing city. There, we got to know a foreign society and how they live their daily life.

The Estonian language is very interesting and quite funny. It is loaded with diphthongs and strange vowel sounds. The Estonians taught us a few words and we did as well.

We used the upcoming two weeks before the trip to organise a presentation about Icelandic culture and nature. We split into groups of two and had one project each. Each country did a presentation about their country.

Our first project was called Drawing with legs and at first we thought we were going to literally, draw with our legs. But we later found out it was less bizarre, we had to make a picture by walking around Tartu. After that we made a poster. Each poster was about something to do with CO2 and the environment. Later we did a short presentation in Tartu Tamme Gümnasium.

When the trip was about to end we walked through a forest and went to the AHA Science center. It was loads of fun and the one who wrote this still has his ticket.

We bonded a lot with the Estonians and we created connection with a wonderful group of kids, the trip created friendship that's going to last for years and maybe a lifetime.


Hákon Darri Egilsson

Erlingur Sigvaldason

Sóley Dögg Sigmarsdóttir

Margrét Gunnarsdóttir

Katarina Tina Nikolic

Katrín Árnadóttir

Steingrímur Karl Þórhallsson

Ingvar Andri Magnússon

Lára Björk Birgisdóttir

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