Environmental drama videos made in Denmark
Using these links you can view the videos made in our last mobility in Denmark: 1) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Nkn00XtI78NlF2UDZHb...

Danish feedback for the project mobilities
Here you can find the article about Estonian trip: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3MRz05BKx7FTWJqd25fQVc5bjg/view?usp=sharing Here you...

Icelandic students feedback for the Danish mobility
Our experience in Denmark The trip had a lot of influence in our daily lives. We discovered things about the world that we don‘t think...

Mobility in Denmark, 9-15.May, 2016
Another exciting study visit is ahead of us! So far we have learned through excursions, visiting science centres, attending lectures and...

Estonian students feedback for the Swedish mobility
"Participating in this project was a great experience. For me, visiting Sweden was a long-awaited rest from school. My host family was...

Icelandic students feedback for the mobility in Sweden
Nordplus – Iceland/Sweden We visited the school , Nacka gymnasium, and worked on projects about, nature, and how to use our land for our...

Mobility in Sweden, 7-15.March, 2016
Very exciting day! Soon 27 students from Iceland, Estonia and Denmark will arrive in Sweden. Thank you Nacka Gymnasium for hosting us!...

Mobility in Iceland, 1.-7. February 2016
Estonians got up really early on 1st of February. Also, Tanel slept in, so we had to make the wake-up call and chill out until he...

Our survey and the results
This was the first lesson during the Estonian visit - to prepare the survey questions in a multinatlional group:...

Icelandic students feedback for the mobility in Estonia
A trip to Estonia After a long journey and many unexpected incidents on our way we finally made it to Tartu, Estonia. We were really...